Volume II





In schools just about everywhere in the world, the biology textbooks used to teach students set out a false story of life. What students read under the heading of "The Theory of Evolution" in fact consists of totally faulty mechanisms, false proofs, conjectural illustrations and drawings, wrongly interpreted fossils and a spurious history of living things.

This myth, the subject of textbooks and repeated countless times by instructors every week, is regarded as so factual that hardly anyone exposed to an education feels the slightest doubt as to the accuracy of evolution. Students all imagine that they have received an education that will serve them in good stead throughout life. Such people will probably be bewildered to learn that they have been taught a lie on such an exceedingly important subject—one that includes the very meaning of life—under a scientific guise.

The fact is, however, that a determined effort is being made to impose this lie on the public, and being carried out all over the world. It is an invented and designed lie, being taught in all schools. False proofs and erroneous stories regarding the history of life are manufactured in the most of the media. Experts on the subject, even some Nobel-Prize winning scientists, espouse a lie and advocate a deception. The "history of life" that instructors have taught for so many years is a false scenario—an alliance perpetrating across the world a coordinated deception whose name is evolution.

Darwinists try to support their theory with fictitious illustrations and reconstructions, but to date have been unable to come up with any scientific evidence. For example, they cannot point to even a single fossil specimen to confirm the claim that living things descended from one another by way of minute changes. This is proof of the way evolution has collapsed in the face of scientific facts.

The sole reason for this alliance's growing strength and the way it dominates school textbooks and occupies pride of place in the media is that it is based upon materialism. Darwinism, nourished by the materialist perspective that currently dominates the world, has been strengthened and brought to the fore with the help of that same mindset. (See The Religion of Darwinism by Harun Yahya.) The materialists have felt no qualms about presenting falsified evidence to the public. Because this comprehensive policy of deceit's objective is obvious: to turn people away from faith in God, to deny His existence and to depict matter as the only absolute reality!

The point that Darwinists ignore, however, is this: Living things were created! There is no such thing as evolution in the history of life. God is the Creator and Lord of all things. It is He Who creates matter and gives life to any entity. There is no other Creator than God, and no other power but Him. Therefore, there is nothing but proofs of the fact of Creation on Earth.

Darwinists encounter these proofs in every piece of research they perform when they attempt, but fail, to prove evolution, because there is no evidence that evolution ever happened. All they find is traces of a sudden, complex and sublime creation. False evidence does not support a false theory. On the contrary, it makes it even more untrustworthy and groundless. For the sake of keeping materialism alive, however, Darwinists continue with their deceptive methods, in the framework of a vicious circle.

But this, of course, has an end point—which has finally been reached. Evolution has been demolished with countless proofs. One of the greatest of these proofs are the "living fossils," whose numbers are being added to with every passing day. The fact that a life form has remained the same for 150 million years, never changing over even 300 million years, definitively eliminates the evolution scenario. Millions of living species, about which countless evolutionary scenarios have been produced, show fossilized evidence that they never evolved. What we now observe are living things that, according to Darwinists, should have undergone evolution. Yet the fossil specimens of those identical species document the fact that they have never undergone any evolution at all.

Are men prehistorically correct?”

We now seem to be related to flies

Our forebears were microbes!

The theory of evolution's missing link has been completed

These headlines produced to support evolution have no scientific value. Evolution has been defeated by all branches of science, paleontology in particular.

Living fossils are such powerful pieces of evidence that they demolish all Darwinist claims, refuting all the evolutionary nonsense taught in textbooks. They invalidate all the fake "intermediate" reconstructions in all museums of evolution, and show that the imaginary evolutionary scenarios in various Darwinist texts and articles are fabrications.

The fact that Darwinists manage to ignore all this does not eliminate the clear proofs in question. Living fossils, more of which are being discovered every day, have already eliminated the claim of evolution.

The fossil crab pictured dates back to the Miocene epoch (23 to 5 million years ago), yet is identical to
modern-day crabs.

This book presents these important facts and the way that Darwinists squirm in the face of this evidence. You will see how this deception has been in a state of collapse ever since the time of Charles Darwin, who first proposed the theory. The examples of living fossils illustrated in this book represent just a small part of the evidence that reveals the invalidity of this great deception. Even though "living fossil" specimens are regularly excavated from just about every sedimentary stratum, just one of these specimens is sufficient to refute Darwinism.

The law of God totally demolishes the Darwinian order:

Or do they desire to dupe you? But the duped ones are those who do not believe. Or do they have some deity other than God? Glory be to God above any idol they propose! If they saw a lump of heaven falling down, they would just say, "Banked-up clouds!" Leave them then until they meet their Day when they will be struck down by the Blast: the Day their ploys will not profit them at all and they will not be helped. (Surat at-Tur, 42-46)

The 18-million-year-old cormorant fossil above is proof that cormorants have remained unchanged for millions of years. In other words, they never underwent evolution. A sea urchin fossil, some 300 million years old, shows that these creatures, together with all their complex structures, have existed for hundreds of millions of years. Throughout that time, there has been no change in their structure and they have undergone no transitional stages.





Wednesday, April 4, 2007


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Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Transliteração do Sagrado Alcorão

Tradução: Samir El-Hayek
Transliteração do Sagrado Alcorão
Nº da Surata

AL FÁTIHA A Abertura


ÁAL ‘IMRAN A Família de Imran

AN NISSÁ As Mulheres

AL MÁIDA A Mesa Servida


AL A’RAF Os Cimos

AL ANFAL Os Espólios

AT TAUBAH O Arrependimento

10ªYUNIS Jonas

11ªHUD Hud


13ªAR RA’DO Trovão

14ªIBRAHIM Abraão

15ªAL HIJR Alhijr

16ªAN NAHL As Abelhas

17ªAL ISRÁ A Viagem Noturna

18ªAL CAHF A Caverna

19ªMÁRIAM Maria

20ªTAHA Taha

21ªAL ANBIYÁ Os Profetas

22ªAL HAJJ A Peregrinação

23ªAL MUMINUN Os Fiéis

24ªAN NUR A Luz

25ªAL FURCAN O Discernimento

26ª ACH CHU’ARÁ Os Poetas

27ª AN NAML As Formigas

28ª AL CASSAS As Narrativas

29ª AL ‘ANKABUT A Aranha

30ª AR RUM Os Bizantinos

31ª LUCMAN Lucman

32ª AS SAJDA A Prostação

33ª AL AHZÁB Os Partidos

34ª SABÁ Sabá

35ª FÁTER O Criador

36ª YA SIN Yá Sin

37ª AS SÁFAT Os Enfileirados

38ª SAD A Letra Sad

39ª AZ ZÚMAR Os Grupos

40ª GHÁFER O Remissório

41ª FÚSSILAT Os Detalhados

42ª AX XURA A Consulta

43ª AZ ZÚKHRUF Os Ornamentos

44ª AD DUKHAN A Fumaça

45ª AL JÁSSIYA O Genuflexo

46ª AL AHCAF As Dunas

47ª MOHAMMAD Mohammad

48ª AL FATH O Triunfo

49ª AL HUJJURAT Os Aposentos

50ª CAF A Letra Caf

51ª AZ ZÁRIAT Os Ventos Disseminadores

52ª AT TUR O Monte

53ª AN NAJM A Estrela

54ª AL CAMAR A Lua

55ª AR RAHMAN O Clemente

56ª AL WÁQUI’A O Eventos Inevitável

57ª AL HADID O Ferro

58ª AL MUJÁDALA A Discussão

59ª AL HAXR O Desterro

60ª AL MUMTAHANA A Examinada

61ª AS SAF As Fileiras

62ª AL JUMU’A A Sexta-Feira

63ª AL MUNÁFICUN Os Hipócritas

64ª AT TAGHÁBUN As Defraudações Recíprocas

65ª AT TALAC O Divórcio

66ª AT TAHRIM As Proibições

67ª AL MULK A Soberania

68ª AL CALAM O Cálamo

69ª AL HÁCCA A Realidade

70ª AL MA’ARIJ As Vias de Ascensão

71ª NUH Noé

72ª AL JIN Os Gênios

73ª AL MUZZAMMIL O Acobertado

74ª AL MUDÁSCIR O Emantado

75ª AL QUIÁMA A Ressurreição

76ª AL INSAN O Homem

77ª AL MURSALAT Os Enviados

78ª AN NABA A Notícia

79ª AN NÁZI’AT Os Arrebatadores

80ª ÁBAÇA O Austero

81ª AT TAQÜIR O Enrolamento

82ª AL INFITAR O Fendimento

83ª AL MUTAFFIFIN Os Fraudadores

84ª AL INXICAC A Fenda

85ª AL BURUJ As Constelações

86ª AL TÁRIC O Visitante Noturno

87ª AL A’LA O Altíssimo

88ª AL GHÁXIYA O Evento Assolador

89ª AL FAJR A Aurora

90ª AL BALAD A Metrópole

91ª AX XAMS O Sol

92ª AL LAIL A Noite

93ª ADH DHUHÁ As Horas da Manhã

94ª AX XARH O Conforto

95ª AT TIN O Figo

96ª AL ‘ALAC O Coágulo

97ª AL CADR O Decreto

98ª AL BAYINAT A Evidência

99ª AZ ZALZALA O Terremoto

100ª AL ‘ADYAT Os Corcéis

101ª AL CÁRI’A A Calamidade

102ª AT TACÁÇUR A Cobiça

103ª AL ‘ASR A Era

104ª AL HÚMAZA O Difamador

105ª AL FIL O Elefante

106ª CORAIX Os Coraixitas

107ª AL MÁ’UN Os Obséquios

108ª AL CAUÇAR A Abundância

109ª AL CÁFIRUN Os Incrédulos

110ª AN NASR O Socorro

111ª AL MASSAD O Esparto

112ª AL IKHLÁSS A Unicidade

113ª AL FALAC A Alvorada

114ª AN NÁS Os Humanos

古蘭經 Al-Qur'an

古蘭經 Al-Qur'anBack to Index page 回到中文主頁
第 一 章 :開 端
第 二 章 :黃 牛
第 三 章 :儀 姆 蘭 的 家 屬
第 四 章 :婦 女
第 五 章 :筵 席
第 六 章 :牲 畜
第 七 章 :高 處
第 八 章 :戰 利 品
第 九 章 :懺 悔
第 一 ○ 章 :優 努 斯
第 一 一 章 :呼 德
第 一 二 章 :優 素 福
第 一 三 章 :雷 霆
第 一 四 章 :易 卜 拉 欣
第 一 五 章 :石 谷
第 一 六 章 :蜜 蜂
第 一 七 章 :夜 行
第 一 八 章 :山 洞
第 一 九 章 :麥 爾 彥
第 二 ○ 章 :塔 哈
第 二 一 章 :眾 先 知
第 二 二 章 :朝 覲
第 二 三 章 :信 士
第 二 四 章 :光 明
第 二 五 章 :準 則
第 二 六 章 :眾 詩 人
第 二 七 章 :螞 蟻
第 二 八 章 :故 事
第 二 九 章 :蜘 蛛
第 三 ○ 章 :羅 馬 人
第 三 一 章 :魯 格 曼
第 三 二 章 :叩 頭
第 三 三 章 :同 盟 軍
第 三 四 章 :賽 伯 邑
第 三 五 章 :創 造 者
第 三 六 章 :雅 辛
第 三 七 章 :列 班 者
第 三 八 章 :薩 德
第 三 九 章 :隊 伍
第 四 ○ 章 :赦 宥 者
第 四 一 章 :奉 綏 來 特
第 四 二 章 :協 商
第 四 三 章 :金 飾
第 四 四 章 :煙 霧
第 四 五 章 :屈 膝
第 四 六 章 :沙 丘
第 四 七 章 :穆 罕 默 德
第 四 八 章 :勝 利
第 四 九 章 :寢 室
第 五 ○ 章 :戛 弗
第 五 一 章 :播 種 者
第 五 二 章 :山 岳
第 五 三 章 :星 宿
第 五 四 章 :月 亮
第 五 五 章 :至 仁 主
第 五 六 章 :大 事
第 五 七 章 :鐵
第 五 八 章 :辯 訴 者
第 五 九 章 :放 逐
第 六 ○ 章 :受 考 驗 的 婦 人
第 六 一 章 :列 陣
第 六 二 章 :聚 禮
第 六 三 章 :偽 信 者
第 六 四 章 :相 欺
第 六 五 章 :離 婚
第 六 六 章 :禁 戒
第 六 七 章 :國 權
第 六 八 章 :筆
第 六 九 章 :真 災
第 七 ○ 章 :天 梯
第 七 一 章 :努 哈
第 七 二 章 :精 靈
第 七 三 章 :披 衣 的 人
第 七 四 章 :蓋 被 的 人
第 七 五 章 :復 活
第 七 六 章 :人
第 七 七 章 :天 使
第 七 八 章 :消 息
第 七 九 章 :急 掣 的
第 八 ○ 章 :皺 眉
第 八 一 章 :黯 黮
第 八 二 章 :破 裂
第 八 三 章 :稱 量 不 公
第 八 四 章 :綻 裂
第 八 五 章 :十 二 宮
第 八 六 章 :啟 明 星
第 八 七 章 :至 尊
第 八 八 章 :大 災
第 八 九 章 :黎 明
第 九 ○ 章 :地 方
第 九 一 章 :太 陽
第 九 二 章 :黑 夜
第 九 三 章 :上 午
第 九 四 章 :開 拓
第 九 五 章 :無 花 果
第 九 六 章 :血 塊
第 九 七 章 :高 貴
第 九 八 章 :明 証
第 九 九 章 :地 震
第 一 ○ ○ 章:奔 馳 的 馬 隊
第 一 ○ 一 章:大 難
第 一 ○ 二 章:競 賽 富 庶
第 一 ○ 三 章:時 光
第 一 ○ 四 章:誹 謗 者
第 一 ○ 五 章:象
第 一 ○ 六 章:古 來 氏
第 一 ○ 七 章:什 物
第 一 ○ 八 章:多 福
第 一 ○ 九 章:不 信 道 的 人 們
第 一 一 ○ 章:援 助
第 一 一 一 章:火 焰
第 一 一 二 章:忠 誠
第 一 一 三 章:曙 光
第 一 一 四 章:世 人

Friday, March 30, 2007


Multimedia Audio Anasheed
Below is a list of various Anasheed by various Munshedeen. With time this section will become much larger and will contain a wider variety of songs, inshallah. You will need Real Player in order to listen to some of these Anasheed.

If You Ask Me...
Yusuf Islam
A is for Allah
Yusuf Islam
Our Guide is The Qur'an
Yusuf Islam
Afghanistan (land) of Islam
Yusuf Islam
La ilaha il Allah
Yusuf Islam
Bad'ana Bismillah
Yusuf Islam
Sala Allah 'ala Muhammed
Yusuf Islam
Turn to Allah
Yusuf Islam
O The Little Ones
Yusuf Islam
I Look, I See
Yusuf Islam
Dawud Wharnsby Ali
A Whisper of Peace
Dawud Wharnsby Ali
Don't Talk to me about Muhammed
Dawud Wharnsby Ali
Duty to Parents
Dawud Wharnsby Ali
Light upon Light
Dawud Wharnsby Ali
Remember Allah
Dawud Wharnsby Ali
Full of Humility
Dawud Wharnsby Ali
The Beautiful Story of Yusuf
Dawud Wharnsby Ali
Life Returns
Dawud Wharnsby Ali
The Everything Song
Dawud Wharnsby Ali
Dawud Wharnsby Ali
The Veil
Dawud Wharnsby Ali
What did I do Today
Dawud Wharnsby Ali
Lullaby: Du'aa before sleeping
Dawud Wharnsby Ali
Sing Children of The World
Dawud Wharnsby Ali
Have You Heard
Zain Bhikha
Months in Islam (extended)
Rashid Bhikha
Allahu Allah
Islamia School (UK)
Bismillah (I am Muslim)
Kids of SA
Sing Children of The World
Kids of SA
Our Guide is The Qur'an
Adila Bandini
Singer or Tape
Ahmed Bukhater
Ya Man Yara
Ahmed Bukhater
Ya 3a'6eeman
Ahmed Bukhater
Ahmed Bukhater
Ya 3eed
Ahmed Bukhater
Ketaab Allah
Ahmed Bukhater
Al-Qodso Tonadeena
Ahmed Bukhater
Ahmed Bukhater
Zayed Al-Wafaa2
Ahmed Bukhater
Ahmed Bukhater
Allahuma 9ali 3ala Muhammed
Sameer Al-Basheeri
Sameer Al-Basheeri
Sameer Al-Basheeri
Qaalo Al-Firaaq
Sameer Al-Basheeri
E7naa Jeena
Abu Rawan
Abu Rawan
Ya 9adeeqi
Abu Rawan
Abu Rawan
Fee Amaan Allah
Abu Rawan
Akrem Bi-Ahmad
Ya 3aalim Al-7aal
Taqaathafat '3a'9abaati
Mujahideen - Bosnia
Mujahideen - Sheeshan
Sa'ad Al-Ghaamidee
Ya 3abed Al-7aramayn
Tareq Abu Zeyad
Al-Qalb Yansha6
Tareq Abu Zeyad
Mathel Lenafsek
Tareq Abu Zeyad
Ham wa '3am
Tareq Abu Zeyad &Abu Abdul Malik
Inama Al-Donya Fana2
Abu Abdul Malik
3uyoon Al-2afaa3ee
Mishary Rashid Al-Efasi
Hunaaka Rasulullah
Mishary Rashid Al-Efasi
Wa 2a7sana '7alqillah
Mishary Rashid Al-Efasi
Wayl Qaum
Mishary Rashid Al-Efasi
Manhaaj Al-Hadaa
Mishary Rashid Al-Efasi
Fa 2ashhad
Mishary Rashid Al-Efasi
Be Raaheen
Mishary Rashid Al-Efasi
Farqaa Al-7ub
Mishary Rashid Al-Efasi
Mishary Rashid Al-Efasi
'7aatim Al-Rusul
Mishary Rashid Al-Efasi
Disclaimer: A2Youth does not neseccasiry agree with what is said in the above audio. We offer such audio for the purpose of listening.

Choose... Arabic Bangla English Malay Urdu

Songs are sorted by language. Please report any inaccuracies.
Please send your favourite Islamic Chantings/songs, and let us know of your favourites.


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很多科學事實,如大氣層、山脈的作用、雨的形成、海底的構造...... 都在古蘭經裡說明了。






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Our faith

Thanks to Allah which made our master MOHAMMAD (P.B.U.H) Allah's messenger the most honourable and the greatest human being throughout history. He is the Imam of prophets and messengers, and the master of intercessors on Doomsday, and nither the hired pens, nor frantic thoughts , nor any preversive media campaigns can prejudice him, his religion or his ethics after ALLAH praised Him saying :
((And Lo! You are of a magnificent nature.)) (The Pen:4), and ALLAH's praise has sufficed him of any and all otherwise praise , and refutated any doubt from him



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The names Of Allah

“God forgives somebody” means that He -be He blessed- pardons him and forgives him, and (The Forgiver) is one of God’s names, and He –The Right, to whom belongs might & majesty- has express the attribute of His forgiveness in many derivatives (past, present, adjunct, governed and hyperbole)



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The Former (Al Musawir)

The names Of Allah

To shape or to form something means to make a definite and known shape, and this verb refers to a person who makes a formed statue, or draw it on paper or to take a photograph by a camera, and the noun is (Former or Shaper). And (Al Musawir or The Former) by adding the definite article it will be one of God’s attributes. And when we say that God, the Great and Almighty, has formed things, means that He made a definite and known shape for each one of these things, and if you meditate the world around you, you will find that God, the Great & Almighty, has made for each kind of the creatures a special shape which distinguish each one from other kinds, that man is differ from camel and monkey.



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In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

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This Islamic guide is for non-Muslims who would like to understand Islam, Muslims (Moslems), and the Holy Quran (Koran).  It is rich in information, references, bibliography, and illustrations.  It has been reviewed and edited by many professors and well-educated people.  It is brief and simple to read, yet contains much scientific knowledge.  It contains the whole book, A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam, and more.  The contents of this guide follow.




Chapter 1
Some Evidence for the Truth of Islam

(1) The Scientific Miracles in the Holy Quran

Cover of the book.  Click here to enlarge

Cover of the book A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam.  Click on the image to enlarge.

A) The Quran on Human Embryonic Development

B) The Quran on Mountains

C) The Quran on the Origin of the Universe

D) The Quran on the Cerebrum

E) The Quran on Seas and Rivers

F) The Quran on Deeps Seas and Internal Waves

G) The Quran on Clouds

H) Scientists’ Comments on the Scientific Miracles in the Holy Quran (with RealPlayer Video)

(2) The Great Challenge to Produce One Chapter Like the Chapters of the Holy Quran

(3) Biblical Prophecies on the Advent of Muhammad , the Prophet of Islam

(4) The Verses in the Quran That Mention Future Events Which Later Came to Pass

(5) Miracles Performed by the Prophet Muhammad 

(6) The Simple Life of Muhammad 

(7) The Phenomenal Growth of Islam


Chapter 2
Some Benefits of Islam

(1) The Door to Eternal Paradise

(2) Salvation from Hellfire

(3) Real Happiness and Inner Peace

(4) Forgiveness for All Previous Sins


Chapter 3
General Information on Islam

What Is Islam?

Some Basic Islamic Beliefs

1) Belief in God

2) Belief in the Angels

3) Belief in God’s Revealed Books

4) Belief in the Prophets and Messengers of God

5) Belief in the Day of Judgment

6) Belief in Al-Qadar

Is There Any Sacred Source Other than the Quran?

Examples of the Prophet Muhammad’s  Sayings

What Does Islam Say about the Day of Judgment?

How Does Someone Become a Muslim?

What Is the Quran About?

Who Is the Prophet Muhammad ?

How Did the Spread of Islam Affect the Development of Science?

What Do Muslims Believe about Jesus?

What Does Islam Say about Terrorism?

Human Rights and Justice in Islam

What Is the Status of Women in Islam?

The Family in Islam

How Do Muslims Treat the Elderly?

What Are the Five Pillars of Islam?

1) The Testimony of Faith

2) Prayer

3) Giving Zakat (Support of the Needy)

4) Fasting the Month of Ramadan

5) The Pilgrimage to Makkah

Islam in the United States

For More Information on Islam (not included in the book)

For Suggestions and Comments

For Further Reading on Islam


About the Editors


Note: It is more beneficial to go through this web site in the order presented by clicking on the Next link at the bottom of each page.

Next: Preface

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If you have finished reading the articles in this web site, then it is highly recommended that you visit our partner web site for more information on Islam:

It is a web site for people of various faiths who seek to understand Islam and Muslims.  It contains a lot of brief, yet informative articles about different aspects of Islam.  New articles are added every week.  It also features Live Help by chat.

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